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Thank you so much to the generous supporters of Constellations!
(list reflects donations since September 1, 2022)
$5,000 or more
Hae-Soon Hahn & Steve Rosenbaum
Karen Kotulis-Carter
Carl & Beryl Tretter
$1,000 or more
Thomas Carter
Mitchell Dolin
Aron & Karen Primack
Joshua & Sheryl Yu
$200 or more
Rosalyn Doggett
Joon Hwangbo
Gilbert Kalish
Nancy Riker
Lisa & Ken Sperka
$100 or more
John Carter
Jan Chong & Glenn Donnellan
Penny Carter-Lockert
Matthew Gillman
Allen Grunes
Albert Hunt
Judith Kotulis
Jean Rosenbaum
Suzi Wizowaty
Elizabeth York
Thank you to Norma Hurlburt for the professional consultation!

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